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Evisive has released several documents giving insight to our technologies and processes.
Aerospace and Advanced Materials Inspection
Aerospace Composites
Coating Thickness Detection
Fiber Reinforced Furan Pipe and Fittings Inspection
HDPE Butt Fusion Weld Inspection and Imaging
HDPE Pipe Electro-Fusion Coupling Inspection
Imaging Corrosion and Pipe Surface Features Beneath Coatings
Inspection and Imaging of Fiberglass Wind Turbine Blades
Modern Ceramic Structure Imaging
Modern Composite Structure Imaging
Pipe Over Wrap Inspection and Imaging
Innovative Technique for Inspection of Polyethylene Piping Base Material and Welds and Non-metallic Pipe Repairs
Scanning Report of Flexible Riser Pipe Section
A Modern Approach to Condition-based maintenance of Reinforced Rubber Cooling System Expansion Joints Utilizing a Microwave Non-Destructive Inspection Method
Microwave-Based NDE Inspection of HDPE Pipe Welds
Specific Application NDE Method Leads to Development of Novel Microwave NDE Technique
Innovative Application of Microwave Non-Destructive Examination of Composites
New Method to Detect Cold Fusion Joints in High Density Polyethylene Pipe
Microwave Inspection Method and Its Application to FRP
Inspection of NASA space shuttle components such as the external fuel tank SOFI (Spray-on Foam Insulation), and the thermal heat tiles
This presentation examines an emerging technology whereby microwave interferometery is used to image just such deep and stacked defects in modern aerospace composite structures
Measuring thickness of Polyurea spray-on coating on concrete
Comparison of lab results and field scans of Fiber Reinforced Furan pipes and pipe couplings
Due to Polyethylene (PE) pipe's ability to withstand harsh chemicals without corrosion or leaking, it is an ideal material for buried gas and water lines. This method of heat fusion involves heating two surfaces to a designated temperature, and then fusing them together by application of force. The pressure causes the melted materials to flow, producing mixing and thus fusion. Evisive is becoming the worldwide standard for inspecting high density polyethylene (HDPE) thermal butt fusion weld.
Electro-fusion joining uses embedded electrical conductors in the pipe coupling. A high electric current is applied, causing resistive heating which melts and fuses the pipe and fitting material. Evisive technology is unsurpassed at inspecting HDPE.
Fiber Reinforced Polymer (FRP) overwraps. Overwraps stop external corrosion, and structurally reinforce steel pipes by the external wrapping of damaged sections using FRP materials. Evisive technology can be used to monitor the progression of the underlying corrosion.
Evisive inspection of Sandia Labs wind turbine blade coupons and a thickness calibration block.
Ceramic Matrix composites are finding uses in everything from ceramic armor to high temperature engine parts. Evisive inspection has proven to be valuable in the manufacturing process and in in-field periodic maintenance inspections.
High-tech modern composites such as honeycomb panels are used extensively in aircraft and aerospace. Internal structural damage may not be visible from the surface. Inspection of these parts is vital.
Overwraps can be used to structurally reinforce steel pipes by distributing the hoop stresses. Poor overwrap installations may look fine. Evisive inspection can ensure initial installation is performed properly, with no voids, inclusions, or poor bonding, which could weaken the protective capacity of the overwrap.
An innovative apparatus and method have been developed that can volumetrically examine any dielectric material, including polyethylene piping and non-metallic pipe repairs.
This report details the results of the Evisive microwave scanning of a portion of an Oilfield Flexible Riser pipe
Proceedings of the 17th International Conference of Nuclear Engineering (ICONE17), July 12-16, 2009, Brussels, Belgium
Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE17), July 12-16, 2009, Brussels, Belgium
Inspectioneering Journal, Volume 11, Issues 1-3
JEC Asia Composites Conference, Singapore 2011
Society of Plastics Engineers, ANTEC@NPE2012, April 2-4, Orlando, Florida, USA
2013 MTI AmeriTAC 110 Conference, St. Petersburg, Florida, USA
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